Schedule of Events
Friday, August 15
2:00PM Welcome & Check-In
Our hospitality room at the Hyatt Regency will be available starting at 2pm to gather and check-in. You will receive your t-shirt, name tag, Irish Fest ticket, itinerary, etc. when you check-in.
6:30PM Dinner
Our Welcome Dinner will take place at Exlporium Brewpub Third Ward starting at 6:30PM. Even if you arrive late, please come and enjoy the food and share a pint!
9:00PM Hospitality Room
We will head back to our hospitality room after the welcome dinner.
Saturday, August 16
9:30AM O’Connell Clan Photo
We will gather for our group photo in the hospitality room and then do a few fun activities before heading to IrishFest.
12:00PM Irish Fest
Irish fest is open from 12-11pm. Our O’Connell clan shuttles will be available from 12-2pm and 7-9pm. Shuttles/tickets to Irish Fest are included with the price of the Reunion.
8:00PM Hospitality Room
Feel free to head to the hospitality room whenever you return from Irish Fest.