General Information

  • Cost

    $100 for ages 12 and up

    You can pay by:

    Zelle: Sarah O’Connell Smoak 412.719.9169

    Venmo: @Isaac-Smoak


    Price includes:

    Welcome Dinner/Drinks

    Irish Fest Ticket/Shuttle

    Breakfast Voucher


  • Hotel

    Hyatt Regency Downtown Milwaukee

    Booking Link

    Hotel Phone Number: (414) 276-1234

    If you call to reserve, be sure to say you are part of the O’Connell Group Room Block

    Group Code: G-OCNL

    Rooms in our block are available starting Thursday, August 14 - Sunday, August 17.

  • Irish Fest

    Our official reunion outing to Irish fest will be on Saturday and the ticket will be included in your payment, but Irish Fest runs Aug 14-17. If your family wants to attend other days, feel free to do so!

    The festival is open from 12-11pm. We will have our own shuttle service that is available from 12-2pm and 7-9pm that goes to/from hotel and to/from Irish fest.

    An O’Connell pavilion will be as a base for all our family. Location TBD, but it will be available for the whole day!